Wednesday 2 September 2015

Bio poem


Funny, tries hard, nice and creative

Sister of Mia, Isaac, Campbell and Lewis and daughter of Lee and Lester 

Lover of my pets, chocolate and my birthday

Who feels sorry for poor people, feels good around family and happy at school

Who needs friends to play with, pets to cuddle and a nice comfy bed to sleep in

Who gives happiness, toys I don't need and smiles

Who fears horror games, spiders and homework

Who would like my own unicorn, lots of littlest pet shops and a donut

Who comes from Auckland, New Zealand and lives in Henderson Valley Rd, Auckland

Monday 3 August 2015

How to make a yum wrap

Goal: To make your taste buds happy

Materials: cheese tomato lettuce avocado and wrap bread.

Steps: step 1 flatten the wrap bread and put the avocado on.

Step 2 put the lettuce on top of the avocado then put the tomato on start putting the cheese on to.

Step 3: take the bottom of the wrap and flick it up then get both sides of the wrap and over lap them.

Step 4 enjoy!

Tuesday 24 March 2015


Scratchy, furry
 Racing, Roaring, Hunting
 Tigers racing after prey